
What Is Jet Lag?

What Is Jet Lag?

Jet lag is ...

The 'bodyclock' mechanisms in people, also known as circadian rhythms, are under neuro (nerve)-endocrine (glandular) control, and under normal circumstances, function in a synchronized manner. The symptoms known as 'jet lag' are not due to fatigue, but to de-synchronization of body rhythms. The body clock's principal control center is a part of the hypothalamus gland in the brain which processes nerve signals. In order to reset the body clock we must send properly coordinated signals to the hypothalamus and 'trick' it into shifting to a new pattern which fits the time zone at our destination. The principal devices used to accomplish this phase change are known as Zeitgebers (German for 'time giver').

Zeitgebers are agents, such as bright light, food, caffeine, melatonin, exercise, and social or interpersonal stimulation, that regulate or shift the phase of a circadian rhythm, establishing your body clock setting. StopJetLag orchestrates the use of these influences on your body clock to achieve smooth, effective time zone transitions... all within the constraints of your flight schedule and typical daily habits.

And what StopJetLag does about it...

StopJetLag's powerful 'expert system' software performs hundreds of calculations, analyzes possible scenarios and ultimately selects the best timing and type of anti-jet lag measures to follow. A basic aim of the program is to switch your behavior to a new time frame as soon as practical during your trip, which helps you arrive at your destinations alert and 'in-sync' with your surroundings.

The program's Daily Agendas present the recommended measures in a clear and concise format. Each agenda prescribes the right thing to do at the right time, including when to begin adjusting your behavior to destination time.
